We were on our way back from Logan today (Mike ran the Top of Utah Marathon) so we decided we would stop in Hooper to drop off more car parts that need to be painted. It was nice getting to see the progress on the car thus far.
This fender has been primed and is in the process of body filler being put on it and smoothed out. Once that is smoothed out, it will get another layer of primer before being painted.

This back corner panel was really dented in bad. Gary has been working with shrinking some of the metal and getting it all smoothed out.

The trunk and the Rear Valance are both primered with the body filler on it, in the process of being sanded. Then they will be ready for a 2nd layer of primer.

It is pretty exciting seeing the progress. I honestly had no idea so much went into getting a car ready to be painted. It looks like an awful lot of work with the primer and all the sanding that has to be done. It will be excited when the entire car is primed. Hopefully we will be able to make more trips out there and get some good pictures of the car while it is in the process of being painted.