I actually had not really planned on adding more to this blog since it was really just a way to track the restoration. My plan was to document the restoration so I could print it into a book (which I have done). I figured since the restoration is done, that would be that. I actually logged on here for the first time in months and I am shocked by the comments I have received and people asking for an update. I am honored that people have taken the time to read my blog and comment on it. It makes me feel special :-)
It is hard to say the restoration is done, since there is still more to be done. I guess I am realizing that a restoration is a lifelong thing. There will always be something more to do on it. We did figure out the engine problems. It was a headache trying to get it all figured out. We replaced everything you could imagine just trying to find the problem. We finally figured out it was a defective cam shaft. Once we replaced that, it ran with no problems. Unfortunately it was near the end of car show season by the time we got that figured out. We did manage to take it to the Northern Utah Mustang Owners Association (NUMOA) Park City car show. I came away from that show with an Award of Excellence in its class.

I do remember after we got home from that show my dad was able to drive the mustang for the first time in forty-something years. I made sure to have the Sgt Peppers Beatles album playing when he drove it. It would have been perfect had my mom been there. I had said from the very beginning of the restoration that I couldn't wait till my dad could take my mom for a drive in it with Sgt Peppers playing. My mom had memories of seeing my dad sitting in the car listening to that album. That was back in the day when she had a crush on him but they had yet to go out. Sadly my mom passed away in November of 2009, so she didn't ever get a chance to ride in this car. I am glad that my dad was able to take that literal drive down memory lane. We even went as far as to have him drive it through the neighborhood where he lived when he first bought this car. You could tell he really enjoyed driving it. It was an awesome moment.
The car has been parked all winter so nothing has happened for a few months. I am very anxious to get it out and take it to some car shows this year. We are in the preliminary stages of planning, but hope to take it to the Mustang 50th Anniversary next year. We would like to drive it with the Mustangs Across America group and head to the show in Charlotte, NC.
As for where things sit mechanically.... it is running good. We have to look into issues with the power booster on the power brakes. There is a vacuum issue on it. Also Mike bought a new transmission pan since the one on it is warped. So that will need to be put on it. For my birthday recently he also gave me some miscellaneous trim and chrome pieces that really needed to be replaced. So that is really all we have planned for it right now.
I guess I will plan on keeping this blog up since there is actually a bit of interest in it. I wont be posting nearly as much as I was during the restoration, but I can update on shows it goes to and all that fun stuff. I am really hoping that we can get it out to a lot of shows this year. Oh and thanks to everyone that has left comments on this blog. Reading them really makes my day.