Sunday, June 22, 2008

Progress Thus Far...

So I was so excited about the progress we have been making on my Mustang... that I wanted a place where I could brag about it! My Mustang is a one family Mustang. It was my dad's first car. It then ended up with my aunt who held onto it. I was able to buy it from her and bring it home in May of this year (2008). Here are some pictures of us dragging it home: It was an uneventful trip hauling it back from St. George. I was happy to get it into its new home (our garage). We started our restoration project by cleaning out the car. There were all kinds of interesting things to be found in it. We even happened to find an old toy car worth a whopping $50!! The next big exciting event was when we hooked up a battery and got to see what lights came on. The horn halfway works... but the poor car sounds sick. I had to get video of the horn.
We then got the car started. We replaced the gas tank and put more fluids into the car... and it started right up. I was rather nervous and made sure to have a fire extinguisher at hand. We found a gas leak so we quickly cut the engine and replaced all the gas hoses. Soon we got the car started again. It sounds really good!

Today we actually got the car driving. Mike had to put TONS of transmission Fluid in... but it finally moved. I was so excited to see it moving. He drove it forward and backwards in the driveway a couple times. Of course I had the video camera ready.
Mike than drove it around the block with me following behind in my car. We didn't want anyone to notice the plates expired in 1981. We drove it to the gas station and sprayed down the engine compartment a bit before bringing it home and tucking it back into the garage. I must warn you that I am not talented with driving and recording... so this video may cause minor motion sickness.
The next step is to start tearing into the car. Mike will take out the engine and detail it and clean it up. I will be sure to get some good pictures and video.

1 comment:

Gull Family said...

that is awesome i never thought it would run again.