The Vin# is 7R01C170145
7 is the last digit of the year. So it is specifying that it is a '67.
R is the plant it was built at. R stands for San Jose, CA
01 is the body style of the car. 01 stands for Hardtop (coupe)
C is the engine type. This car has a 289 Engine with a 2 barrel carburetor.
170145 is the number my car was built at the plant. They start with the first car built as 100,000 and go from there. So my car was the 70,145th 1967 Mustang built at the San Jose Plant.
Now for the rest of the door tag which reads like so:
65 A T 2D 18A 73 C W
Body Color Trim Date D.S.O. Axle Trans
65 A stands for Hardtop, Standard, Bucket Seats
T is the exterior paint color. T stands for Candyapple Red
2D is the interior. It stands for Red standard interior, with bucket seats
18A This is the date the car was completed at the factory. 18 is the day of the month, and A stands for January. So my car was completed being built on 1/18/1967
73 is the location the car was delivered. Each major city was given a number for the city the car was ordered from. 73 is Salt Lake City, so it was ordered by a Salt Lake Dealer.
C is the Axel ratios 3:20:1 with a Locking Differential.
W is the transmission. This car has a C-4 automatic transmission.
Luckily this car has not gone from one owner to the next and been changed and painted numerous times. These numbers would really come in handy if you had a car with numerous former owners. You would be able to go back and find out everything your car was equipped with from the factory, as well as the original color. Who would have thought the door tag could contain so much info.
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