Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 20...Rust, Blah!

Mike was in the garage again last night. He is still stripping paint off of the car. He decided he was going to do the Back driver side quarter panel. He started on it but discovered it is pretty rusted out. Which means we will have to replace the rear quarter panel. As you can see in the picture below... its not pretty. As Mike would put it "It looks like Swiss Cheese". Its never fun finding more rusted out parts. Hopefully as he continues stripping the paint, we wont have more nasty surprises.

As you can see... the entire roof is done now. He isn't going to sand the Driver Door since it has to be replaced anyways. Also, he stopped working on the rear quarter panel since a lot of that will also be replaced.

I have to keep reminding myself (really Mike reminds me) that even though the majority of the exterior looks paint-less... there is still a long way to go before we will be ready for paint. I get anxious to get it all painted and restored. Its hard being patient sometimes. Someday it will be done... just not tomorrow like I wish.

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