My evening started out with plans to watch the newest Harry Potter Movie that just came out. Then Mike's dad came over and wanted to work on the car. Seriously, as soon as I realized Mike and his dad were going to be working on the car... all thoughts of Harry Potter were quickly forgotten. Watching stuff happen with my car is much more exciting. Who would have ever thought I would find so much joy in watching a car restoration!
These are the Tools Mike's dad brought over. They don't look all that menacing until you see some of them in action.

The first tool brought out was this little jack-hammer-ish thingy. I have no idea what it is called, but I instantly felt bad for my car. It's a good thing car's don't have feelings, because I imagine this thing would have hurt like heck! Basically this was used to break the welds and get in between the two layers of metal.

Tonight's project was cutting out the rusted out parts of the fender apron (I think that's what it's called) where the top of the shock towers go. So there are two layers of metal where moisture usually collects and rusts out right there. I guess it is normal to see on cars. So the rusted out spots were cut out... and will eventually have new metal welded in there. This picture shows one spot already cut out, and how rusted out the other spot is.

After both spots were cut out on the passenger side of the car.

It seriously looked like the 4th of July in the garage tonight. The sparks were rather amusing, although I was slightly nervous about the garage catching on fire. This reminded me of what it would be like if a car went to the dentist... even down to the sound of the cutting tool. It sounded so much like a dentist drill that it made my teeth hurt hearing it!

This is what it looked like after having the two rusted spots cut out on the Drivers side.

Anyways... it was exciting seeing things getting done on the car. I spent a decent amount of time in the garage watching and taking pictures. I was probably a bit of a nuisance, but I was amused!
Mike set the new floor in the car the other day and it fits almost perfect. I told Mike that once the floor is welded in.... I seriously want to take a pillow and blanket and sit out there in my car. I guarantee when my car is finished.... I will spend a good deal of time sitting in it in the garage listening to music. I do that now with my '95 mustang. If Mike cant find me anywhere in the house... he always knows he can find me sitting in my car in the driveway. Its relaxing sitting in my '95, but I imagine it will be even better sitting in my newly restored '67. In fact.... I imagine Mike will have a hard time keeping me away from the car once it's fully restored. It will be my new home-away-from-home. I can't wait!
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