Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 38 and 39

Once again, I am behind in blogging. I have two days to blog about now. The pathetic part is that as I am blogging, Mike and his Dad are out in the garage working some more. So Day 40 will need to be blogged about as well either later tonight when they are done, or in the next few days.

So I am going to start with day 39 since I uploaded the pictures in the wrong order. Day 39 would have been Monday (Yesterday). They spent a few hours in the evening working on the car.

This would be the trunk drop on the driver side. So for those of us that really don't know what a trunk drop is... it would be the back side of the driver side fender.
Mike's dad grinding away on another piece that goes in that same area. This is more of the wheel well section. There is three pieces that go on the back driver fender. The trunk drop (which is the back piece) the wheel well piece, and the piece of the front part of the fender.

Meanwhile, Mike worked on grinding down some of the JB Weld. He also worked on some surface rust in a few areas.

Day 38 - Sunday

Sunday evening a bit of work got done on the car. Mike pulled out some JB Weld and took care of some of the pin holes in the car. This is the underside on the drivers side of the car. Mike put the blue tape on the bottom so the JB Weld wouldn't seep out.

This is the driver side tail light looking from within the trunk. You can see some of the JB Weld already put on.

Mikes dad managed to get a few more pieces of metal fit in. This would be the passenger side fender.

So that is the shortened version of the last couple of days. Hopefully I will be able to blog about today's progress later tonight.

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