Friday, March 16, 2012

Display Sign

I have been playing around with ideas for my display sign to go with my car at car shows. I downloaded a trial version of Photoshop and thought I would try my luck at making  rusty sign. Photoshop was not easy to learn to use. I spent countless hours reading tutorial and the help section.  So I finally got the sign how I wanted it and printed a poster size at Costco's for $10. I wanted to see what it looked like before I spent the money having it printed on aluminum.  The Costco's one turned out great so we framed it and will hang it in the garage.

Since I was satisfied with it I submitted an online order for Kinkos. They didn't have the size I had originally made the picture in so I figured they could just crop it. They called a little while later and said that if they cropped it, I would lose the writing or some of the pictures. So I went down and they showed me the options. Cropping wouldn't work so they stretched it to fit but that distorted the car pictures. So I decided I would just have to start from scratch in Photoshop making it the exact size they could do. So I just spent the last few hours working on this. Since it is so late, I will just send it to Kinkos tomorrow and have it printed, but I wanted to post a version of it on here. I am hoping the writing turns out big enough since I had to shrink it down a bit more than I wanted. So I am keeping my fingers crossed that this actually works out!

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