Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Engine Assembly - Take Two

As you will recall in my previous post, we had the engine rebuilt. We got it back from the shop and Mike spent the next couple of nights putting everything together on the engine. He had it all painted and everything on it ready so he could just drop it into the car once the car was back. One little phone call Mike received yesterday changed all of that.

The engine shop called to let us know they put the wrong pistons in my engine. They had been working on another 289 engine at the same time as mine and put the pistons from that engine into my engine. So they needed us to bring it back so they could fix it. So that meant the entire engine had to be torn apart again.

Mike's dad came over and they both got the engine torn down and were able to drop it off at the engine shop again. The shop went right to work and had to engine done in 3 hours. So we picked it up again and Mike spent the night reassembling the engine. He was able to get it all back together again.

It was beyond stressful having something like this happen when we are so close to our deadline. I am glad it was able to be rectified so quickly although it did set us back a day... which every day counts at this point. Plus is was frustrating the way the engine shop went about it. We didn't get any apologies and the guy wasn't very nice when we picked up the engine. He did refund $100 but that hardly seems like much considering the trouble it caused. I wish they would have been a bit nicer about it as well. At least we know that we won't be going back to that place again.

Mike has gotten a lot of things done. I will do another blog post with pictures of his progress as soon as I can find the camera. Hopefully I will be posting pictures of a nicely painted car soon as well. We should have it back hopefully in the next few days.   Exciting stuff happening! Too bad it is all accompanied by so much stress. I will be relieved when this car is done.

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