Thursday, March 15, 2012

Drive Shaft, Carburetor, and other Misc. things

Mike has been super busy on all kinds of car things. These pictures are not necessarily in the order in which they were completed, but here it goes.

Mike cleaned up the drive shaft.
 Under all the grease, grime, and rust there were three colored rings on it. Green, pink and white. Mike said they all had meaning when the drive shaft was manufactured. 
He then painted the drive shaft black.
 The U Joint was really lose so we had to take it in to have that replaced and have the drive shaft balanced.  Note that I had to go out to the garage to ask Mike why we took the drive shaft to a shop. I then stood there and tried to memorize what he said long enough to come back inside and add it to my blog. I may very well have messed that up. At least I tried to sound like I actually understand this car stuff.

Mike got the carburetor (probably spelled that wrong) cleaned up and ready to go. This is a picture of it soaking in carburetor cleaner. I do believe we failed to get a picture of it all put together and done. You will just have to believe me when I say it turned out good.   
 Mike also got the transmission cleaned up and ready to go. this is the before picture.
 This is a during picture.... there is a noticeable amount of grease and grime removed by this point.
The transmission had obviously been rebuilt at one point and painted blue. It needed to be natural so Mike painted it with some engine paint that makes it look natural. It looks very nice!
 Mike was super excited to pick up a bucket of miscellaneous nuts and bolts his dad had. He spent a decent amount of time digging through it. I am sure it will continue to come in handy through the rest of the restoration. there are also some other parts laid on the ground that he got cleaned up, clear coated and painted. I have no clue what they are and frankly I don't have any desire to make any more trips to the garage to ask Mike what they are. This blog post has already taken me a half hour to get this far due to the frequent trips to ask questions. So hopefully no one will lose sleep wondering what those parts are and where they go.
 Last but not least... I got this picture of Mike stripping the black paint off of the gas tank. This is not the original gas tank that goes with my car. Unfortunately someone thought it would be a great idea to paint it black so Mike has to strip the paint. So that is what he is currently doing while I do this blog post.
So that's some of the projects Mike has been working on. I am sure there is a lot more that I haven't managed to get pictures of or blog about. It is really getting crunch time so there are tons of things going on. I haven't been able to keep up with it all! We are hoping to get the car back from being painted this weekend. That's when things will get even crazier than they are now... which is really hard to imagine it getting crazier than now. So let the fun begin!

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